In workshops and coaching conversations, I receive many questions about the right way to communicate an idea. Sadly, I cannot define the absolutely, most correct, “right” way to communicate an idea – … [Read more...]
Six Questions to Ask for Successful Collaboration
The biggest problem with collaborative problem solving is the collaborative part. Many new leaders became leaders because they know how to get things done. This individual ability to solve … [Read more...]
You Cannot Sell What You Do Not Own
One day John, a newly promoted supervisor with Fictional Products, met with his boss, Bill, to discuss a new procedure recently mandated by a change to company policy. John was not happy with the … [Read more...]
Question What You Know Is True
When you know that something is true and someone says something to contradict that knowledge, you will likely reject what they said without giving their statement serious consideration. After all, you … [Read more...]
Change Your Delivery
If you lead others, you are in the change business. When you are in the change business, you will eventually have to deal with resistance to your ideas, the direction you want to go, the new behaviors … [Read more...]
Relate to Your Opponent – A Lesson in Tact
In a conflict, it is often tempting to go on the attack in an effort to make your point. In fact, it's a natural response to a situation you perceive as physically or emotionally threatening in some … [Read more...]