As I watch political campaigns, national debates, business meetings, and family discussions where the rhetoric and emotion increases while the civility and connection decreases, I see a common thread: … [Read more...]
Experience Is Mandatory But Learning Is Optional
We all have experience. You get experience by simply living life. However, our experiences really don't matter if we fail to reflect on and learn from them. Over the last few days, I have been … [Read more...]
What Are You Afraid Of?
Yoda On Fear Yoda Rap (sort of funny) In The Phantom Menace, the great Jedi master Yoda says: "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to … [Read more...]
I Might Be Wrong
I have seen "problem" defined as "a situation that you want to change." Under this definition, if I don't want to change the situation, I don't have a problem. If, I want to change the … [Read more...]
Do I Really Have to Work With People?
I prefer to be alone. I value people. I respect people. I can appreciate people. I don't necessarily like people. I am doubly task-oriented. That means I have significantly more task orientation … [Read more...]
To Learn and Grow: Get an Outside Perspective
A few months ago, I came across a quote that has become a big part of what I teach in the realm of resolving conflict, leadership skills, and the DISC model of human behavior. I think that it came … [Read more...]