Today, we had our monthly Group Coaching call for Silver Remarkable Leadership Learning System members.
Using the handout from this month's Remarkable Leadership teleseminar as a discussion guide, we talked about some really powerful concepts related to communicating change.
This is one of the many ideas we discussed:
Change can be driven by facts, but people are driven by emotions.
As we discussed this observation, we spoke about the importance of connecting with the emotional response that people often have to change rather than ignoring or minimizing it. We also covered some practical tips for connecting with emotions more effectively.
You may have many opportunities to discuss change and the impact of change with your team this year. When you do, remember to acknowledge, address, and understand the emotional component of change in your comunications.
Photo based on work by Rennet Stowe.
One of the biggest mistakes a leader can make is by leading by logic alone and ignoring the fact they are leading humans who are an emotional creature.
Well said. Thanks for stopping by and adding to the conversation.